Work with us

Current opportunities to work with MFS​

Moree Family Support (MFS) is currently seeking applications for the following positions vacant within our teams:

  • Admin Assistant – Casual
  • TEI Case Worker – Part Time

If you have experience in the following areas and would like to be notified of upcoming positions, please send your current resume to Su****@mo****.au“>Su****@mo****.au or drop into the office.

  • Case Management Experience 
  • Domestic & Family Violence Support
  • Community Services
  • Management & Leadership
  • Childcare & Education
  • Project Management
  • Governance
  • Peer Support
  • Parenting Supports
  • Administration & Finance
  • Youth Homelessness
  • Grant Writing

A talent pool has been created to fill roles for both ongoing and temporary opportunities as they arise. Resumes will be held on file for 18 months.

For an application package or further information about any of the positions please contact Susan, Su****@mo****.au | 1800 874 992

A Working with Children Check & National Police Check is considered essential for all positions.

Tips for applying​

See the tips below on applying for this and any other future MFS positions.​

Preparing your application

Take the time to prepare to give yourself the best chance of success.

  1. Read the position description
    The position description describes the tasks and responsibilities of the role. It includes selection criteria which are the qualifications, skills and experience required to successfully carry out the role.
    Before you apply, read the position description to determine whether the job is right for you and if you have the right skills and experience for the role.
  2. Address the selection criteria
    A covering letter, or statement addressing the selection criteria, is your opportunity to demonstrate you meet the essential requirements of the position. Your letter should clearly state which position you are applying for and succinctly address the selection criteria listed on the last page of the position description. Your letter should be no more than three pages.
    To assist the reader, you may wish to use each of the selection criteria as a separate heading. Under each heading explain how your qualifications, skills and experience enable you to meet the specific requirements of the role. Use examples and emphasise relevant achievements.
  3. Include an up-to-date resume
    Your resume should be up-to-date and provide an overview of your work experience, educational qualifications and professional development. It is also beneficial to include skills and experience gained outside of paid employment that may be relevant to the position. Your resume must include three referees which we may contact. 
  4. Contact us if you have any questions on 1800 874 992

Working With Us

Benefits our staff enjoy

  1. Work/life balance
    We are committed to supporting our people to strike the right balance between work and personal life, and respect that family life is vital to most people’s health and happiness. We support and promote a healthy work/life balance, with many roles offering flexible hours, part-time work, job sharing, family/carer’s leave and other flexible working arrangements.
  2. Tax savings
    As a not-for-profit organisation, our employees are able to take advantage of salary sacrificing.
  3. Staff development
    We recognise professional development is important to job satisfaction and staff are presented with genuine opportunities to develop to their potential. We encourage employees to access a broad range of learning and development activities.
  4. Work Placements MFS is committed to offering work placement opportunities for those undertaking qualifications within a Community Services Field. Through the work placement program, MFS endeavours to provide meaningful placements for students undertaking a relevant course through university or TAFE to assist with the required work placement component of their qualification. MFS regularly has positions available for those who wish to undertake a work placement with MFS. All placements are arranged directly between the student, tertiary institution and MFS Operations Manager. If you are interested in applying to complete your placement with MFS, email Su****@mo****.au“>Su****@mo****.au with the date for placement to be undertaken, the course being undertaken and your specific requirements whilst undertaking the placement. It is important that we receive your requirements as this ensures MFS is able to assist in meeting the needs of your qualification, develop the skills and knowledge in your desired career choice and to assist in easing the transition for students into the workplace.

If you have any questions about any of the above information please contact Susan, on 1800 874 992