Staying Home Leaving Violence
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What does SHLV do?
Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) supports women aged over 18 years and their children who have separated from a violent partner or family member and who choose to remain in their own home or a home of their choice living within the Moree Plains Shire Council.
SHLV is a free and voluntary service working with clients for a length of time based on their safety needs which is outlined in their individual Case Plan.
The type of services that can be provided include:
● Brokerage
● Case Coordination
● Case Management
● Direct Services to Children
● Education Activities for specific organisations
● Advocacy
● Information and Referral
● Safety Assessment
● Safety Upgrades
Who can work with SHLV?
Priority will be given to women who may have a higher-than-average incidence of experiencing family or domestic violence or where members of that population may find it more difficult to access support.
They include:
● Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background
● affected by socio-economic disadvantage
● culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
● affected by social exclusion
● who has a disability
● who are caring for a child with a disability
● victim’s aged 16-18 years for referral only.
Who can refer?
● Individuals can self refer
● Service providers
● Department of Communities and Justice
● NSW Police
Ready to refer?
For information or referral for any of our services call our office on our freecall number 1800 874 992 or send a message.