Feedback and Complaints
Feedback Procedure
Moree Family Support Inc. welcomes information and feedback from clients, services and the community that will enable it to improve the quality of our services. Clients, community and stakeholders should be made aware of their right to complain, and should fully understand the complaints procedure and the use and availability of advocates.
Clients, stakeholders and the community have a right to complain about the service they are receiving without fear of retribution and can expect complaints to be dealt with fairly and promptly. The Manager should take steps to ensure that the person making the complaint feel comfortable to continue accessing the service after making a complaint.
Information on the complaints procedure of Moree Family Support Inc. is to be included in service brochure and MFSS Website and explained to clients at the time of assessment.
The client has the right to use an advocate of their choice to negotiate on their behalf with the staff and/or management of Moree Family Support Inc.. This may be a family member or friend, or an agency such as the NSW Ombudsmen’s Department.
All complaints are to be recorded on the Complaints Record Form which is to be completed by the Manager. Complaints Form (Form 7.1).
Person/s affected by the complaint should be fully informed of all facts and given the opportunity to put their case.
Download a full copy of our policies below.
Complaints Procedure
Moree Family Support welcomes information and feedback from clients, service providers and the community whether it is a compliment, a complaint or a suggestion.
All feedback enables us to improve the quality of our service to clients and their families.
Compliments, Feedback, Suggestions
We appreciate you taking the time to make a compliment or share your feedback and suggestions.
Your feedback on our service is important. You have the right to make a complaint if you are not happy with any aspect of our service.
We will ensure that a fair, efficient and confidential process for managing your complaint is in place.
Staff involved with complaints handling are required to adhere to our Confidentiality policy.
The name(s) of complainants or any identifying information will be provided only to staff involved in the complaint or required to respond to the complaint.
The Operations Manager or the Board representative will manage all complaints as per the Complaints policy.